Georgette Heyer famously — if somewhat simplistically — categorized her romantic heroes into two different types, or “Marks.” The Mark I hero is, according to Jane Aiken-Hodge in her biography The Private World of Georgette Heyer, “The brusque, savage sort with a foul temper” while the Mark II hero is “well-dressed, rich, and a famous whip.” 

Many of us would argue that her heroes are far more complex than those two narrow definitions allow (Freddy Standen! Gilly Ware! Adam Deveril!) but of these two standards — with Mark I exemplified by the likes of Max Ravenscar and Sylvester, Duke of Salford, and the Mark II personified by such eligibles as Robert Beaumaris and Vernon, Marquis of Alverstoke — which is your favourite?  

Vote and let us know! 

What is your favourite "Mark" of Heyer hero?
68 votes